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Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Champion Of Gender Equality, Dies At 87


justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,champion of Gender Equality at 87

Preeminent Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — here in her chambers during a 

2019 meeting with NPR's Nina Totenberg — kicked the bucket on Friday at 87 

years old

Preeminent Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — here in her chambers during a 2019 meeting with

NPR's Nina Totenberg — kicked the bucket on Friday at 87 years old

Shuran Huang/NPR Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Champion Of Gender Equality

Dies At 87

Equity Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the coy troublemaker who in her 80s turned into a 

legitimate, social and women's activist symbol, kicked the bucket Friday. The 

Supreme Court declared her passing, saying the reason was complexities from 

metastatic malignant growth of the pancreas

The court, in an announcement, said Ginsburg kicked the bucket at her home in 

Washington, D.C., encompassed by family. She was 87

"Our country has lost an equity of memorable height," Chief Justice John Roberts 

said. "We at the Supreme Court have lost a valued partner. Today we grieve yet 

with certainty that people in the future will recall Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we was 

already aware her, a vigorous and fearless hero of equity

Modeler of the lawful battle for ladies' privileges during the 1970s, Ginsburg in 

this way served 27 years on the country's most elevated court, turning into its 

most noticeable part. Her passing will definitely get under way what vows to be a 

frightful and wild political fight over who will succeed her, and it pushes the 

Supreme Court opportunity into the spotlight of the presidential 

mission... s burg's 

death would have dire consequences for the court and the country. Inside the 

court, not only has the leader of the liberal wing gone, but as the court nears the 

opening of a new term, the chief justice no longer has the controlling vote in 

highly contested cases

Although Roberts has always had a conservative track record in most cases, he 

has broken up with fellow conservatives on a few important issues this year

casting his vote with the Liberals, for example, to protect so-called Dreamers 

from deportation by the Trump administration. At least temporarily. , To uphold 

the key abortion precedent and support a ban on large church gatherings during 

the corona virus pandemic. But with Ginsburg gone, there is no clear legal 

majority for these results

Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg released from hospital


Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg released from hospital

An upcoming political battle

In fact, a week after the upcoming presidential election, the court is set to hear 

for the third time the Republican challenge to the Affordable Care Act, known as 

Obamacare. In 2012, the Supreme Court upheld the law in a 5--4 ruling, with 

Roberts casting the decisive vote and writing the majority opinion. But this time 

the result may be different

That's because Ginsburg's death gives Republicans a chance to tighten their grip 

on the court with another appointment by President Trump so that the 

Conservatives get a 6-3 majority. This means that even a defection from the 


would leave the conservatives with enough votes to win the Obamacare case and 

many more

At the center of the battle to achieve this will be Senate Majority Leader Mitch 

McConnell. In 2016, he took an unprecedented step in the modern era: for nearly 

a year he refused to allow Supreme Court nominee 

At the time, McConnell's rationale was the upcoming presidential election, which 

he said would give voters a chance to contemplate the kind of justice they want

But now, with the tables turned, McConnell made it clear that he would not follow 

the same path. Instead, he will immediately try to pressure through the Trump 

candidate to ensure conservative justice to fill in the liberal shoes of Ginsburg

even if Trump loses his re-election bid. When asked what he would do in such 

circumstances, McConnell said: "Oh, we'll fill it

So what will happen in the coming weeks will be just plain barren politics on the 

stage of the presidential election. It will be a fight that Ginsburg was hoping to 

avoid, telling Judge John Paul Stevens shortly before his death that she hoped to 

serve as long as he did - until age 90


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