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5 Publicity Hacks For Startups To Grow Your Business Now

5 Publicity Hacks For Startups To Grow 

Your Business Now

they know they need to establish their brand, but lack the major funding of most established businesses 

5 Publicity Hacks For Startups To Grow Your Business Now

Many try to muddle through in an attempt to pique the interest of 

journalists and secure media coverage.They understand the longer it 

takes to create name recognition the longer it will take them to build 

sales and profitability, but they aren't sure how to get the process 

rolling.Here are five publicity hacks for startups to quickly attract the 

attention of newspapers, radio and TV stations, and generate 

the needed publicity for immediate growth 

One common thread about startups is that most are pressed for time and money

They know they need to establish their brand, but lack the major funding of most 

established businesses Many try to muddle through in an attempt to pique the 

interest of journalists and secure media coverage They understand the longer it 

takes to create name recognition the longer it will take them to build sales and 

profitability, but they aren't sure how to get the process rolling Here are five 

publicity hacks for startups to quickly attract the attention of newspapers, radio 

and TV station sand generate the needed publicity for immediate growth

Create a short summary highlighting what makes the business special and why it is different than other companies in the market space

A startup should avoid the standard press release if possible

The common mistake is to create the typical release and just send it everywhere 

hoping something will stick Instead, depending on the type and scope of the 

business, offer an exclusive story to the media with a lot of news "hooks

Point out interesting details and pitch the local business journal, daily newspaper

or a TV station announcing your company's launch before it happens

You can put together an interesting summary with an eye catching headline

Journalists like to break stories and are always watching for new businesses they 

can write or talk about Businesses can always issue and distribute a standard 

press release later after a major news outlet or two have broken the story

: Develop a short, quirky video for social media

Video, of course, is highly used in today's highly digitized world

A video can humanize the owners and team, and get people talking about it

Many people would also rather watch something than read about it

A video can help cover all the bases. It can depict some emotion and show 

aspects of the business print cannot deliver

A company can also link to their video for added PR value when the business 

does send out its press release

:Host a special event

A special event can create excitement for the leadership, team and recruiting

The right type of event can also have a lot of media value

Creating a special event is where creativity kicks in. You can do something a little 

off-the-wall such as creating the world's biggest cheeseburger or selling 50 

dresses in 50 hours to build revenue for a nonprofit or repairing a house for a 

needy homeowner if you are a painting company or construction firm

You can do something related to computers if you are a tech firm

Many ways exist to execute an event and accomplish your goals. Remember a 

.business will need something visual if you wish to attract local TV stations

:Tie-in a charity

Community outreach can be a key part of a communications program. A new 

company can develop something at the outset that benefits a local charity and 

gains the attention of the media Editors and producers like companies that do 

.something creative and give back to the community

You can do some special things with nonprofits that involve bringing your pets to 

.work or small children. The media loves dogs and kids

 Publicize your press coverage on social media and your website

Your newsroom should be kept up-to-date and make sure you link to your stories 

on all your social channels Print, video and digital all play off each other with SEO 

benefits as well Keep in mind the more coverage you get, and the more media 

relationships you establish, the more credibility you will have for future stories

Stephen Turner is a Principal and owner with Solomon/Turner PR, a public 

relations and integrated marketing firm in St. Louis, MO. Solomon Turner PR is 

celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2020. The firm has been named One of the 

Top PR Firms in St. Louis for 12 years in a row by Small Business Monthly. Steve 

was named a Rock star Publicist by Authority Magazine and Thrive Global. He has 

over 30 years of experience in PR and marketing communications. His firm

Solomon/Turner specializes in publicity campaigns, social media, and branding

Mr. Turner has written dozens of blogs and articles on PR and marketing. He is a 

graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism


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