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Bananas have a high level of radioactivity

  Bananas have a high level of radioactivité


Bananas have a high level of radioactivity


Hey I have an article that I want to submit to you guys ,I look forward to you replay?

The banana, this yellow natural product preferred by our ancestors, has a high level of radioactivity according to a scientist. But is it dangerous for your health?

But not only bananas, other foods like oranges, potatoes or spinach show a similar result. But how can our body ally these radioactive elements that we consume daily? Isn't radiation exposure supposed to affect us? Sarah Loughran, the Director of Radiation Research and Consulting at Wollogong University gives us in addition to explanation on this fact. According to her, the term "radiation" makes people shudder. However, there is a difference between artificial radiation like nuclear radiation and natural radiation.

Besides, the radioactivity level of bananas is harmless.

A natural product rich in potassiumEveryday, we are exposed to natural radiation from, for example, sunlight or natural rocks. Bananas have the same effect on the human body as this type of radiation. They are less harmful for the health.


Do you remember that famous periodic scene we used in high school? The symbol for Potassium on it was K. It is one of the most abundant elements on our planet. This element is radioactive. Yet Potassium is an essential component of bananas. It is estimated that in one kilogram of bananas, there are 130 becquerels of Potassium 40.

 Bananas have a high level of radioactivity

La banane, un natural product riche en Potassium

Précisons quand même que le Potassium 40 en soi n'est pas typiquement mauvais pour la santé. À côté de child caractère radioactif, c'est aussi un élément essential au fonctionnement de l'organisme humain. Il facilite, standard exemple, la compression des muscles et particulièrement celui du cœur. Il est aussi significant pour la course de l'influx nerveux.


The banana: a dangerous natural product or not?The nutritive assets of bananas are known of all. Its contributions in strands, minerals, vitamin and carbohydrate are vital. This makes them precious for every human being. Moreover, the radioactivity level of bananas is harmless.


However, the question arises: if we increase the portion of bananas, will their radioactive effect also increase? The answer is no, according to our expert. So, don't worry, you can enjoy your banana smoothie with peace of mind. Indeed, our body evacuates the elements that seem useless. So, no matter how many bananas we eat, our body will remain unblemished.



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